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How Safety Splash Shields Help Keep You Safe During a Pandemic

Stopping the Spread of Infection

Whenever a pandemic strikes, the best way to stop the spread of infection is by keeping people away from each other. Yet it's impossible to keep humans separate entirely in today's world. Further safeguards need to be put into place. That's where Safety Splash Shields can help. We build the best face shields that can keep your employees and customers safe. Here's how our shields can help.

How Safety Splash Shields Keep People Safe

It's also possible to become infected when touching infected surfaces although not as easily.

To stop the spread of infection, it's important to cover your mouth. Cloth masks can help lower the risk of becoming infected, but it doesn't cover your entire face. Those aerosols can still infect you by landing in your eyes or exposed skin.

Because our skin is porous, it can absorb the droplets that land on your face into your body.

A splash shield is an effective tool to prevent the spread of infection because it covers your entire face. If someone accidentally coughs or sneezes near you, there's no way that the droplets can reach your skin.

It's also safe to speak with someone close-up. Everyone releases some spit while they speak. The droplets are just so tiny that it isn't always easy to see them. Complete face shields can protect people and still allow them to speak with one another at a close distance.

Why Splash Shields are Important for Essential Workers

Essential workers are heroes in today's climate during the pandemic. They deserve to be protected. For ultimate safety, a splash shield is exactly what they need. They allow your employees to interact with your customers in a safe way. It also keeps your customers safe since they won't become infected through your employee.

Implement the Use of Splash Shields Today

The safety and health of your employees and customers should never be placed secondary to anything else. They are your primary responsibility. Investing in splash shields for your employees can keep them protected from the pandemic. In return, your business will become a sanitary beacon.